get in touch with myself

get in touch with myself


I forgot about my body. I took it for granted. My mind was flying high with thoughts and dreams. I didn't feel or listen to my physical self often enough. I pushed away my negative feelings, hiding them deep inside. Over time, they wanted to be heard. Ignored for too long, the body responded with a random ache or a bout of tiredness. It was a sign, a message. I needed to pay attention.

I didn’t always care for my body or mind. Every day, I expected them to work without any problem. I didn't stop to see how wonderful they are. Or to be thankful.

Think about it. It’s amazing I am here. My body works in such a perfect way, even when I am not conscious of it. The best? I can control how I feel each day. This realisation made my life richer.

Breath in. Breath out.

Move. Drink water. Expand vision.

Sense heartbeat. Stretch back. Relax muscles. One by one.

Connecting with my body is a process, not a one-time decision. Even when I succeed, it isn't the answer to everything. Life still has its ups and downs. But understanding my body helped. It brought control and gratitude into my life. It inspired awe.

My body is more than just something to live in. It holds memories and feelings. When paying attention, I learn something new about myself. The more I tune into myself, the more I understand.

I need more sleep.

Being close to nature calms me down.

Certain foods make me feel light and energised, others make me lightheaded.

Back to back meetings drains my energy like nothing else.

Deep focus makes me feel like I have superpowers.

This journey inside of me is fascinating.

Getting my body back was a beginning.

I became more mindful.

I observe my thoughts.

I feel my emotions.

I stay present.

I am.
