the second price

human history in a day


When thinking about social or tech changes, I like to picture human history as a day. I imagine a 24-hour clock, starting with the appearance of Homo sapiens at 00:00 and ending with the present moment at 24:00.

Each hour symbolises a key stage in our evolution. This perspective shrinks vast eras, highlighting the novelty of major developments.

00:00 - Homo sapiens appear.

23:56 - Prehistoric, hunter-gatherer societies dominate.

23:58:20 - Around 10,000 years ago, the Neolithic Revolution begins, agriculture starts leading to development of settlements

23:58:35 - Writing systems and ancient civilisations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley and China emerge.

23:59:00 - Ancient Greece and Rome build Western civilisation's base, creating key philosophy, politics, and science ideas.

23:59:20 - The Middle Ages see the spread of major world religions, the rise and fall of empires, and significant technological advancements. The Renaissance sparks a renewed interest in the arts, science, and exploration.

23:59:30 - The Age of Exploration connects the world. The Scientific Revolution reshapes our view of nature.

23:59:40 - The Industrial Revolution brings technological and societal changes.

23:59:50 - The 20th century sees two World Wars, the Cold War, decolonisation, and the digital revolution. The establishment of international organisations aims to promote peace and cooperation.

23:59:56 - The late 20th and early 21st centuries introduce fast tech advancements like the internet and smartphones.

23:59:57 - The Human Genome Project revolutionises medicine.

23:59:58 - Social media transforms communication, politics, and society.

23:59:59 - Tech advances quicken, renewable energy and space exploration grow, and tackling climate change becomes vital.

24:00 - Now.